Monday, August 29, 2011

A Way Out

Today was not a day of good attitudes if you are a female and part of our family...well, the female cat may have been in a good mood.  But if she'd been made to interact with anyone else, she would have been cranky along with the other two of us.

The day started out pretty good, but Mondays are a very busy day, so it can quickly fall apart into times of irritation.  And I took 2 children to the grocery store...during school hours...which can lead to questioning and unpleasant looks from others in the store.  So perhaps I was primed for a grumpy moment.

The moment came when I went to resume our school for the day, and the darling middle child said "I don't like school.  It's no fun."  I was in no mood for this.  I wanted to yell.  I even wanted to curse, and I don't curse.  I don't even know why this set me off.  Sometimes I take these comments personally - maybe because I pour so much into my efforts at schooling our children, and it hurts when it isn't appreciated.  And this was even the fun part of the day that brought on the complaining.  But I know they need it, so I press on.  However, today was almost a breaking point.

Thankfully, God was faithful, just as His word says He will be.  In 1 Corinthians 10:13, we are told "No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it."

The way out today was to calmly tell my children I needed a moment to pray and as I prayed, He brought a song we recently learned to my mind.  "I will persevere.  I will never, never quit.  I will follow God and I will stick to it.  I will not give up, not one single little bit.  I will persevere."  

And then I was able to ask my boys to leave the room so my daughter and I could talk calmly.  I was able to remind her that while she may not always enjoy it, getting an education is important.  I was able to explain to her that words can hurt adults' feelings, too, and that we need to be more careful with our words.  And I was able to give her a hug and let her know that I love her, but I will still make her do her school work.

Thank You, God, for Your promise to provide a way out of the temptations.  Please, help me to remember to look for it every time I am tempted to give in to sin.

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