Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Mother of the Year Award

My younger two and I were in Target the other day, with the youngest catching a ride on the front of the shopping cart.  As I went to turn the cart around because my way was blocked, I almost ran him into the shelving along one of the aisles.  I commented to my daughter that I certainly would not win "the mother of the year" award if I did that.

"Is that a real award?", she wanted to know.  I told her that it's not but did ask her what she thought the qualifications for mother of the year should be.

"Well, it's a mother who doesn't yell at her kids or do things to upset them", she replied.

Hmmm, not yell at the kids.  I could go along with her on that one, but I admitted to both her and myself that it's been an area of struggle for me.  God's brought me a long way since I recognized my sin and the selfishness that was showing when I have yelled at them.  Of course, I had my excuses...they made me do it because they just wouldn't listen when I've been nice to them.  That was my favorite excuse.  Or "I've put up with a lot", I thought that was another good one.

Well, God has been softening my heart toward these children and the yelling has almost come to a complete and total stop.  But I've also realized that I need to daily say to God, "please take away any anger that stems from selfishness."  I also ask Him daily to give me kindness and gentleness toward my children...I don't pray for "patience", but so far kindness and gentleness have pretty much covered any infractions.

As for my daughter's second qualification for mother of the year...not doing anything to upset my children.  Well, that won't be happening because I need to raise godly, responsible,  kind and loving children which will mean upsetting them with things like chores, expectations and the discipline that goes along with these activities.  And discipline isn't fun in the moment, and it often upsets, but it's the type of upset that is for their benefit and the benefit of those who will have to live with them in the future.

So, I guess I won't be winning mother of the year.  But, I hope and I pray that I will one day hear "well done" from my Heavenly Father.  Both for allowing Him to change my heart and stop the yelling and for leaning on Him when I need the strength to be the mother my children need and not necessarily the one they want.

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