Saturday, August 27, 2011

I'm a Project Girl Who is Learning to Maintain

I am a project girl, not a maintenance one.  This can get me into big trouble.  If I start a project, sometimes I just don't want to stop.  And once I finish a project, I want it to be done.

But life isn't a project, and that's where my problems lie.  A friend shares a problem, I want to fix it and be done with it.  I see a flaw in myself, again, fix it and move on.  My kids don't understand a new concept, I'll explain it once, but don't really want to have to keep repeating it.

And yet most problems are not a quick fix and flaws and bad habits are an ongoing fix that requires maintenance.  I just don't do maintenance well.

Recently, I've come to realize a little bit more about the idea of taking up my cross daily and following Christ.  It involves my daily confessing sins, even ones I haven't blatantly displayed in recent days.  It involves my thanking Him that He brought me through the day before without displaying that attitude or behavior and asking Him once again to remove that sin from me for the day ahead.  It means really praying about change and filling my mind with His scripture daily.  It means realizing that turning from sin is not a project that is done once and completed.  It is about maintenance.

And I'm beginning to get that, one day at a time.

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