Sunday, October 2, 2011

Fund Raiser Recant (sort of)

This is the promised semi-recant of a post I made several weeks ago regarding fund raisers...however, in my defense, you may remember that my initial post was about school fund raisers.  But, to be honest, I'm sort of a fund raiser grinch, at least those that involve sales of things I don't really need or want.  Often I'd rather make a smaller contribution but have the organization receive 100% of what I spend rather than have something else cluttering my house...especially since we have already established my housekeeping skills are not to be envied.

But, I have now come to the other side of the whole fund raiser experience, and my struggle with my former self begins.  My daughter has just become a fund raiser for her American Heritage Girls troop.  I knew it was coming, and I went in prepared, or so I thought.  I was prepared to do the "buy out" option I felt certain would be offered.  We write a check and we don't have to do any real fund raising.  It's easy, it's quick and it's painless.  It's over in a minute...

But then it began.  My daughter saw the glossy sales folder, and her eyes began to sparkle.  She heard she could finally get a chance to sell something.  She has been itching to sell something (anything) to the people around her.  She found out that she can earn a patch, and she turned to me with a huge smile and nodding her head.  And suddenly, even if it had been offered, I knew there was no buy out option in our home.  Because my daughter had completely and totally bought in to the idea of fund raising.

I am surprised by her enthusiasm, but am impressed by how well she is handling herself.  She has practiced things to say to her potential victims customers, she is taking responsibility for calling her relatives, and we have discussed the mature and appropriate manner with which to handle someone saying "no thank you" when she approaches them about making a purchase.  She even handled herself so well when practicing with me that I fell victim to her sweetness and maturity, and thusfar, I am her top purchasing customer.

So, anyone wanna buy a candle?

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