Monday, October 3, 2011

Big or Little Purposes

One thing I have been pondering over the past few weeks or months (or perhaps my entire adult life) is purpose.  What is my purpose?  When will I achieve my purpose?  And the list of questions goes on and on...

I often want some grandiose purpose.   Something big, something that changes the lives of people I may not have even met.  Why does that seem so important to me?  What is the draw of grandiosity?

What if my "only" purpose in life is to support the work of others?  What if my purpose is to train up my children to either do great things, or more probably to also support the work of others.  What am I missing out on by always looking for something more and different?  I am missing out on opportunities to encourage my husband and children, to be a blessing to the people around me, to offer assistance and prayer to my family, friends and neighbors.

I need to be willing to press on, to see God's glory in the little things and to bring Him glory through those little things.  I need to be faithful in serving, praying and encouraging and to realize and always remember that these are important to God.  Even though I may not see the "grandiose" purpose in them, these little things are the details in the great portrait God is painting, and they are important, and they are beautiful.  But sometimes I forget this or I don't chose to focus on it.  But I'm really thankful that He keeps drawing me back to this question, and He continues to show me that I am important to Him.

Help me Lord, to live each day with a focus on you.  Help me to press on, and to run the race You have set before me, not wishing for the race that has been set before someone else.  Help me to walk in the good deeds You have prepared for me.  Help me to focus on being the best wife, mother and friend I can be and trust You to use these "details" toward creating a beautiful portrait.

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